Blog - Tips and tricks for a healthy lifestyle

Are There Any Side Effects From Following the 5 Day Reset?

Who says you need to wait until New Years to get your life back on track? Not us! Any time is the right time to take your focus on health seriously. This is why we recommend you look into our…

Is USANA CellSentials Safe for Diabetic Patients?

Is your diet lacking all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs? Don’t feel bad; you’re not alone. In fact, according to the CDC, nearly all American adults don’t get the fruits and vegetables they need on a daily…

Can You Take USANA Essentials Without a Meal?

Taking multivitamins and other supplements is an important way to meet nutrient needs, fill nutrition gaps that may be present in your diet, and allow your body to perform at it’s best. Here at USANA, our multivitamins can be found…

What are the Benefits of Taking USANA Essentials?

You make living a healthy lifestyle a top priority in your life. Good for you! You exercise daily, sleep eight hours a night, and eat a diet filled with lean meats, proteins, fiber, and as many vitamins as you can…

3 Supplements That aren't a Waste of Money

Your body works hard, and you need to feed it so it continues to perform at its best. The best way to get the vitamins and minerals you need is by eating a wide variety of foods including vegetables, fruit,…

Do I Need Vitamin Supplements?

You want to be as healthy as possible. If this past year has shown us anything, it is not to take our health for granted. You exercise daily, you get eight hours of sleep a night, you wash your hands,…

USANA Brand Ambassador Hidilyn Diaz Captures Historic Gold in Tokyo

USANA, the Cellular Nutrition Company, proudly sponsors some of the most elite athletes and teams around the globe. We are incredibly proud to congratulate our Brand Ambassador, Hidilyn Diaz, on capturing a historic gold medal for the Philippines.  USANA Brand…

3 Things That Affect the Absorption of Your Vitamin Supplement

Your health is something to be taken very seriously. You want to be as healthy as possible, which is why you take a daily multivitamin in the first place. However, you may accidentally be doing something that is affecting the…

FAQs: What Happens if You Take Too Many Vitamins?

You know that vitamins are really good for you. If some vitamins are healthy, then a lot of vitamins must be really healthy right? Not so fat! While this logic does make sense, it is a misunderstanding. The truth is…

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